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  • Andrea Mason

Supporting people living with HIV

This year Fundelaship was unable to deliver training for Phila Ubomi due to sickness and the change in school holiday dates, however, Phila Ubomi’s (Live Well) volunteers have been no less active for that. Matheson and Thembeka Nteleko tell us about how Phila Ubomi has supported their communities and neighbours.

“Here at Ntlaza in August Phila Ubomi together with Sicela Salizo support group were doing door to door visits. We came across a home where we found a young married woman whose husband is HIV positive and also suffering from cancer. The couple were so poor and had nothing to put on the table and to see the doctor. The caregivers had to collect some money from their pockets to assist the lady to take her husband to the hospital. Unfortunately, we had nothing (no food) from the (project) garden (to give them), because it is dry (drought) the ground is hard we have not ploughed since we cleared it, there is no rain at all. The man is recovering from his illness despite that he is HIV positive.”

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